On Thursday, Frank the engineer from Ampair came down to Exmouth and we went out to help test their prototype new experimental Aquair unit with the fantastic assistance of Richard Crisp and his motorboat Curlew. Of course we had to pick the only rainy days for the past month, but that didn't stop us and we were very lucky to have a flat calm to make it a lot easier to get the test towing done. Frank is a great guy and knows everything there is to know on the Ampair wind and water chargers, having been with the company for 30 years!!
Top pic shows Frank and I about to depart on Curlew for the testing and lower pic is Richard at the helm.
モンクレール レディースは機能性とファッション性を兼ね備えています。全体的にモダンかつラグジュアリーな元素をちゃんと採用して、出来上がった最高のファッションブランド品です。着心地の良さとお洒落なデザインとも兼ね備え、この秋冬にも防寒着として目立ち度100%です。2012秋冬の必携のもの~モンクレール ベストはここに健在!